Thursday, September 23, 2010

Things I Hate (Relating to Food) Part 2

I made PP write a blog about food she hates.  And although, her list is quite extensive, I have some oddities in my diet also.  This is a continuation of Things I Hate (Relating to Food) Part 1.   

Baby carrots.  They gross me out and they taste like shit.  It's like they weren't deemed as good enough or pretty enough to be whole carrots.  I bet they had to be whittled down into "babies" because the original carrot had rotten bits on it.

Bag salad.  I HATE lettuce that comes pre-washed and pre-cut in a bag.  It's disgusting.  It tastes funny- like plastic.  I HATE shredded lettuce that comes on deli sandwiches too.

Pre cut fruit/vegetables.  I don't know why I hate them.  I guess in my mind, they don't seem as "fresh" as if I cut them myself.  Hell yes, bitches, I can cut a fucking whole pineapple!!

Pre shredded cheese.  There is some type of flour-y type substance on it which keeps the cheese from sticking together.  It tastes funny.  I guarantee that you can tell the difference from freshly grated cheese and pre shredded cheese.

Milk.  I will only drink or use fat free milk.  I don't really care if you think it tastes like water.  It doesn't, you asshole.  I love it and I will NOT drink 2%-- I would rather die than drink whole milk.  Disgusting.

Tofu.  I'm with PP on this one.  I swear to God everyone says "it absorbs whatever flavors you want to cook with".  I'm sorry it's absolutely disgusting.  Barf.

Sweet potatoes.  Sorry mom.  I've tried them every god damn Thanksgiving and they make me want to barf every time.  Ewwwwww.

Mushy fruit.  It has to be firm.  Mealy, mushy apples are the absolute worst.

Rotten bananas.  I only like bananas that are barely ripe.  If there are any brown spots on it, ANY, I will not eat it.  Or... if it is so yellow that brown spots are just on the horizon.  NOPE. Soooo sick!! 

Vegetables in a can.  Need I elaborate?  Fucking nasty.

Ok, so I'd better save some foods I hate for part 3...


  1. Mmmmm milk. Here is one point I will disagree danger. god, when I was in Belgium, they had milk so fatty it didn't even need to be refrigerated. you could just store it in a cool garage and it was fine. when I came back to the states, I totally had to wean myself down to 1%, like it was prednisone or some shit!!

  2. baby carrots are EXTREMELY hit or miss. sometimes they taste like poison, so i try to avoid them unless they are dipped in hummus and then i can't taste them. the thing that sucks is i really love the crunch, it's so satisfying... but then? the poison taste!!

    the fact that you actually cut pineapple makes me even more impressed with you than i already am!!

    remind me to tell you the grossest banana story in the history of bananas!!! you will DIE!

  3. Omg!! Right?!?!? Baby carrots are soooo gross! They are the rejects!! I'M super impressed that you like hummus. Delicious!!!! Especially with carrots that are NOT baby.

    I need to know the banana story!!!!!!
