Tuesday, January 4, 2011

New Year's Resolutions

First, I'd like to say that my computer is a giant piece of shit.  Now that I've gotten that off my chest I can proceed. 

I have several New Year's Resolutions.  By having so many, I feel like I'm setting myself up for failure, but I don't care.  Let me list them, in no particular order...

1.  Find a date.  Really, I need to get my ass in gear.  I'm not getting any younger and I'm starting to panic.  I've done the math--- and it's not in my favor.

2.  Lose 10 pounds.  I'd really feel better if I lost a few pounds.  I've already started a low carb diet-- so we'll see how that goes. AND just be healthier in general- eat better and exercise more regularly.

3.  Stop losing everything.  And by everything, I mean everything- included but not limited to socks, my Wii power cord, my CD burner, Mac compact (shit), my debit card, my driver's license- I could go on forever.  I'm trying to be more organized.  Today I cleaned out the hall closet and it looks lovely and is very organized.  I arranged and folded towels and sheets, put a bunch of cleaning supplies in order, and bought plastic containers from Target to keep things orderly.  There's Xmas tags, tissue paper, ribbon, and like items in one container.  And just a general neatness, which I'm totally enjoying.

4.  Work on a project 1/2 to 1 hour per day.  After work, I want to work on something- it can be anything, cleaning, organizing, making something, writing a blog.  Whatever seems appropriate for that day.

5.  Find a new job.  I'm sick of my job and it sucking up all of my time and stressing me out.  Really?  It can eat shit and die.  Over it.

6.  Not really a resolution, but I want to be a good person.  I want to better myself and continue to grow, learn new things, and explore life.  I want to be a good friend, cousin, sister, daughter, niece, and granddaughter- oh and anything else I've forgotten.  Don't worry this doesn't include not talking shit and being funny and inappropriate.  

7.  Save money.  I'm not sure for what...

Hmmmm.  I think that's it.  I think all of these things are feasible. 

Ok, I'm totally going to do something productive right now...

The End.



    *if you become a better person you're going to mother goddamn theresa.

    *if you lose 10 pounds you will be invisible.

    *i love you.

  2. Love all your ny's resolution! How is the 1/2 -1hr daily project going? Sounds too hard lol

  3. I thank you for the information and articles you provided
