Sunday, August 8, 2010

Can You Spare Some Change?

Let me tell you I hate hate hate when people stand outside the grocery store and ask for money.  They sit outside with a little fucking card table, a decorated coffee can, and a sign.  The sign usually says something like "...for homeless women and kids".  Jesus Christ.  You should see these guys... and almost always men.  They look like, not to be mean, not the greatest society has to offer.  I know that's mean and judgmental, but I don't really give a shit.  It's true. 

Why I hate this so much:

It makes me feel super uncomfortable saying "no", so I usually say "no thank you, have a good day".  But honestly, I never have cash anyways.  I ALWAYS use my debit card.  Even if I did have change, that shit is going directly into my change jar at home (to save for my trip to see Pig Pen).  And anyways, I bet those guys take all those "donations" and go buy meth or crack or whatever else they're into.  I know it's mean.

I will use the opposite entrance of the store just so I won't have to be confronted by them.  Lame.  I really hate confrontations, even lame ones like this.  Example, Laura and I went to the store today.  Sure enough, a guy was camped out at the entrance, perched on his chair, with his card table/tv tray, with guess what??? Yep, the coffee can and the sign.  So, I told Laura that we were going out the other side of the store so we didn't have to talk to him.  We paid for our stuff, then left- opposite of the side we entered as I had insisted.  As we're heading out, yep, I see another guy setting his shit up.  He was just about to sit down when Laura and I jammed away before he could ask for money.

Honestly, I don't know what the big deal is.  All I have to do is politely decline, but I simply feel uncomfortable and weird.  Trader Joe's is the worst.  There are some religious people asking-- I'm not sure what they are.  The lady isn't a nun- I'm not sure what her deal is.  But she wears this little white hat and white outfit.  It's church affiliated for sure and I'm semi-certain that it's a little more reputable than the Safeway guys, but honestly, who knows.  So, for the past few years, she and a guy take turns standing out of the Trader Joes's.  After they ask for money and you decline they say "God Bless You".  Talk about making you feel bad.

Anyways, I just hate it...


  1. omg, i know exactly what you mean. i don't care if it's a church group, the boy scouts, or a homeless guy... they all make me equally uncomfortable... because just like you i neeeeever have cash. so i know i'm going to have to run past them and try to avoid eye contact. why i can't just say sorry/no thanks like a normal person is beyond me... but i guess since i'm pretty consistently not normal i shouldn't be that surprised :P

  2. Omg the Girl Scouts!! I just hate these situations. And I'm happy you understand. We are sooo soul mates, PP.

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