Monday, August 2, 2010

Diet Coke

I love Diet Coke.  No, seriously, I love it.  I can hear a can open from a mile away- music to my ears.  The delicious sound-- the drink of the gods.  Sweet, sweet nectar.   

I don't know how or when this love developed.  I remember when I only had eyes for Pepsi.  I never thought I would love anything as much, until I met Diet Coke.  I know, I know, it has aspartame in it- which has caused cancer in laboratory rats.  Along with a million other terrible chemicals.  I guess I don't care.  Plus, in
my defense, I don't smoke (more on how much I hate cigarettes later), do drugs, and hardly ever drink.  I eat relatively healthy and I try to buy mostly organic foods.  So, in some weird way I feel that maybe it balances out. Diet Coke isn't really that detrimental to my health, is it?

I love it with breakfast, at lunch, and at dinner, with several in between.  I even love it with dessert foods and chocolate and peanut butter.  Just delicious.  If I know I'm getting low, I start to get nervous.  I insist that I have a surplus of my favorite beverage.  It's like my drug, and yes, I'm addicted.  

I went on a cruise to Mexico last year.  You could buy a soda pass for $20.00.  OMG.  Seriously, I drank 7 cans of DC a day.  To this day, that was the best money I've ever spent.  Well, I should say... my stupid ex, that was the best money he ever spent.  And what a savings for me!  I love free sodas.  And free cruises for that matter.

So, yes, in case you didn't know... I love Diet Coke. 




  1. we're all going to die anyway, you drink that diet coke and don't let any fuckers talk you out of it! :)
    my favorite way to have DC is from a fountain... i tell robert i want a soda "in a cup with a straw" like from a fast food joint. idk what it is about fountain soda that i like so much... maybe it's the bubbles/syrup combo... but it's my all time fav.

    i was drinking so much DC that i now ONLY have it on the weekends. but when you come to visit we will have it 30 times a day to celebrate!! woo!!! i will never sleep :) ha ha!

  2. I love McDonald's DC the best. But usually, I just love it out of a can. Out of a cooler with tons of ice is the best. Yes, we will drink 1 million sodas together!!
