Tuesday, August 10, 2010


I love Facebook.  I think it's a fabulous way to keep in contact with people (ahem, PP).  But to what extent?  Who should these "people" include?  People in high school that I barely talked to?  People I work with whom I never do anything with outside of work?  Casual acquaintances?  Someone you met in a bar?

I think friends on Facebook should be people you have an actual relationship with.  Someone who knows you- but REALLY knows you on an intimate basis.  They know what makes you cry and what makes you laugh.  People whom you have shared special moments with.  People whom you want to be in your life forever because they make it special.  People whom I can't live without because they mean so much to me. 

I occasionally get random friend requests from random ass people.  Mostly people I went to high school with.  Let me reiterate that in high school I barely uttered 2 words.  Some of these people I don't remember talking to at all.  I have a few theories as to why this is... first, they are god damn nosy--  they want to see what you look like, how fat you've gotten, who you married, what you do, etc., the other theory is... they are Facebook friend whores.  It makes them feel good to have 60000 friends because in their mind it makes them "popular".  I have news for you: a. I'm not married  b. I don't have kids  c. I don't have any bikini-clad pictures and none with my boobs hanging out (not that I have any to hang out).  Basically nothing to incriminate myself.  Hope you aren't disappointed you god damn nosy ass bitches.

I feel somewhat hindered on Facebook.  I don't know... I guess I can't really be me.  Why do I always cater to everyone else?  Why do I care?  God, I'm so lame sometimes.  I guess I'm afraid that if I post "eat shit and die" people might not understand my humor and think I really mean it.  Like on this blog, I can talk about whatever I want and not feel weird or judged.  And I have 2 followers- my cousin and PP.  Neither of them would ever judge me and I can be free to talk about whatever I want.  Whatever I want.  I can tell them both to eat shit and die and they'll just think it's funny.  They just get me.

And I bet 95% on Facebook don't give a shit about me either way.  They don't care if I post a super cute picture of Phoenix, or if Shelby just had surgery.  You know what I mean?  The people on your Facebook should care about what you have to say.  If they don't, they shouldn't ask to be my friend.

The politics of Facebook is just weird.  What brought this up you ask?  Someone from work asked me to be their friend.  I'm her boss and I didn't really think she cared for me all that much anyways.  Almost everyone at work is on my Facebook.  I have a business relationship with most of the people.  I have a couple of good friends, but the rest????  No.  All I can say is you'd better not call in sick and post on Facebook that you had a great day at the beach.  

P.S.  Farmville, Frontierland, Fish Tank, Cafe World, and whatever the fuck else there is can all EAT SHIT AND DIE.  I hate looking at those posts.

1 comment:

  1. i hate random friend requests. like, seriously? there is no fucking way i'm accepting some weird ass person's request. and don't even get me started on the people from high school who never talked to you, or, how about this? some bitch who made fun of me sent me a request a few months ago. guess what skank? i didn't like you then, and i don't like you now.
    aside from that i love FB, it's so much easier for social dingleberries like me to keep in touch with people. :D
